Old Rayne Preschool
Forest School
New - Forest School
We are very excited to have started our Forest School sessions this term. The first day we talked about the boundaries and explored our surroundings. We climbed trees, paddled in the stream, collected treasure, measured sticks, spotted wildlife and insects and much more. Most of all we all had lots of fun!

Forest School is a child-centred inspirational learning process that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and supported risk taking.

The importance of Forest School for our children
Forest school is important for our children to connect with nature and fundamental for their health and wellbeing. Every child needs nature and nature is full of learning possibilities. Nature is filled with loose parts, plentiful opportunities for hands-on learning.
“Research suggests that exposure to the natural world helps human health, well being, and intellectual capacity in ways that science is only recently beginning to understand.’ Richard Louv